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Announcing the Launch of Sensum Consultants Website!

January 19th, 2022 · 2 min read

We are absolutely thrilled to officially announce the launch of our newly designed website! After months of hard work and dedication, Sensum Consultants is delighted to officially announce the launch, aiming to become a well recognised company in providing Executive Coaching services, Leadership Development Programmes, industry-leading Assessments and Consulting to individuals, teams, organisations and consultants.

Welcome to new www.sensumconsultants.com!

Our goal, with this new interactive Sensum Consultants website, is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about us:

  1. Home - By browsing through our Home section, visitors will get a good idea of who we are, our value-based approach, what makes us different, testimonials, the bio of our founder, Elena Parrilla, her background, certifications, coaching membership credentials and our business partners.

  2. Services - This section provides detailed descriptions of the Executive and Leadership Coaching Programmes, Leadership Development workshops and Consulting services Sensum Consultants proudly offers.

  3. Assessment Centre - This page compiles the range of recognized assessments and 360º we provide for leaders and teams, from new hires to the C-Suite.

  4. Blog - We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, articles, book reviews, company announcements and much more in the Blog section to keep our clients and visitors engaged.

  5. Contact – This section provides detailed information on how to reach us and book a free, no-strings-attached consultation with us.

Sensum Consultants new website is also fully compatible with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices. It contains an integrated social media button for Linkedin to foster improved communication with our trusted and valued clientele, potential clients, colleagues, coaching industry and business partners.

We would also like to thank our website designer Appetising Apps, www.appetisingapps.com, who did a great job and made our website what it is.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please contact us today!

Thank you!

Author: Elena Parrilla

Founder & CEO of Sensum Consultants

Executive & Leadership Coach | Assessment Specialist | Business Consultant | Entrepreneur