Master Your Presentation Skills
Transmit confidence and poise.
Impel your audience to action.
Deliver a message that catches your audience.
Successful leaders know how to communicate with passion, purpose and poise. This “Master Your Presentation Skills" workshop is about how you can be more confident and comfortable in front of an audience. You will learn how to prepare a presentation, address an audience, speak and conduct a meeting. As you improve your communication skills, you will be noticed in the workplace and you will increase your visibility and recognition.
"Presentation skills are key. People who work for you represent your brand. You want them to represent themselves - and represent you - in a certain way."
Day 1
Essential Components of a Presentation:
Content, design and delivery.
Powerful introductions, effective transitions and captivating conclusions.
Presentation practice, discussion.
First Impressions:
Creating an immediate impression.
Suggestions to control nervousness.
Building rapport with the audience.
Establishing the Beginning:
Introduction Presentation (1 minute per participant).
Feedback on strengths and areas for improvement.
Developing Spontaneity:
Mind mapping exercises.
Creating a Stronger Presence:
Improving your stance and posture.
Using gestures to clarify and enhance the message.
Body language.
Presentation Practice:
Practical exercises on posture and gestures.
Feedback and group discussion.
Eye Contact and Facial Expressions:
Using eye contact to build confidence and rapport.
Gestures help to transmit the message.
Role play exercise and discussion.
Presentation Practice:
Presentation exercise (2 minutes per participant).
Individual Coaching.
Individual evaluations.
Day 2
Making Presentations Fun:
Getting out of yourself and into the audience.
How and when to use humour in a presentation.
Voice overs.
Role play and group discussion.
Using the Voice Effectively:
Developing greater awareness of the voice.
Speaking confidently.
Developing a more expressive voice.
Exercise to use your voice with more conviction.
Taking out the Waste:
Unprofessional use of filler words.
Eliminating them from your vocabulary.
Presentation Practice:
Presentation focused on voice and filler words.
Feedback and group discussion.
Techniques for Greater Impact:
How to be more assertive for greater impact.
Exercise and group discussion.
How to manage Q & A Sessions:
Controlling the process.
Dealing with difficult questions.
Controlling the process.
Role playing exercise to control Q & A sessions.
Presentation Skills Wrap-Up:
Final presentation: each participant will have the opportunity to present (5 minutes) and will be provided valuable feedback.
Private Individual Coaching.
General Feedback Session:
Individual evaluations.
Exude greater confidence and poise in every situation.
Choose the right amount of information to share with different audience groups.
Provide techniques to engage the audience immediately.
Understand and develop each fundamental presentation aptitude.
Overcome your fear of speaking.
Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.
Use verbal and nonverbal techniques to engage the audience.
Turn attention from yourself and involve the audience.
How to deal with heckles, people who over participate, and distracted, rude or not engaging members of the public.
Target Audience
The “Master Your Presentation Skills" workshop is perfect for both novices and seasoned professionals seeking to improve their communication skills.
Two days.
Your investment in the “Master Your Presentation Skills" workshop will pay off. By combining proven methods with engaging activities, designed specifically for the business environment, you will enjoy a unique learning experience! Please, contact us to discuss pricing to run this programme internally for your group or organisation.