The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Step II™ delivers a more richly textured picture of type and behaviours. Your clients will appreciate the detailed and personalized information on communication, decision-making, dealing with change, and conflict. MBTI® Step II products are designed to provide an extension of type assessment by describing differences within the same personality type.

MBTI® Step II Profile Report

Description of the facets of an individual's MBTI® Type. 

The MBTI® Step II Profile Report is the most economical way to provide a more comprehensive description of an individual’s MBTI® type. This 5-page report presents clients’ four-letter type as well as their results on the 20 Step II facets that underlie them.

What the MBTI® Step II Profile Report Contains

  • Descriptions of Step II facets to help clients better understand their meaning.

  • Graphs of all 20 Step II facet results.

  • Interpreter’s summary providing clients’ results in brief.

When to use the MBTI® Step II Profile Report

  • Leadership development.

  • Individual development.

  • Team building.

  • Career direction.

How to access the MBTI® Step II Profile Report

The MBTI® Step II Profile Report (and all MBTI® Step I reports) can be generated from the MBTI® Step II questionnaire. Using the MBTI® Step II questionnaire enables a user to start their MBTI® Development Journey by exploring Step I preferences, and continue to Step II without the need to complete a further questionnaire.

Download sample report (PDF)

MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report

Report helps individuals understand how Step II facets affect how they express their type.

The MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report is a highly personalized report combining narrative and graphics to help clients understand their Step I and Step II results. This 17-page report then applies those results to four aspects of professional development: communication, decision-making, change management and conflict management.

This report is particularly helpful for use with respondents who are struggling to determine their best-fit type.

What the MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report Contains

  • Respondent’s four-letter Step I type.

  • Descriptions of the 20 Step II facets that facilitate the respondent feedback sessions.

  • Graphical representations of the respondent’s results against the 20 facets

  • Application of the 20 facets in four development areas: communication, change management, decision-making, and conflict management.

  • An interpreter’s summary.

  • Average scores of those with the same type.

When to use the MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report

  • Team development.

  • Leadership development.

  • Communication.

  • Conflict management.

  • Decision-making.

  • Change.

  • Coaching.

How to access the MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report

The MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report (and all MBTI® Step I reports) can be generated from the MBTI® Step II questionnaire. Using the MBTI® Step II questionnaire enables a user to start their MBTI® Development Journey by exploring Step I preferences, and continue to Step II without the need to complete a further questionnaire.

Download sample report (PDF)