1 KTI® Per Person

Discover which particular conflict resolution modes you are using too much or too little... or just right!

Conflict is inevitable! Why? Because no two individuals have exactly the same needs and concerns, conflict is a natural part of our interactions with others—whether in our personal life or in our organizational life.

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) will take you about 15 minutes to respond to all 30 items on the online assessment.

Download a Sample of TKI Profile and Interpretive Report (PDF)

Your personalized TKI results will reveal which of the five conflict modes you might be using too much or too little… or just right. With such enhanced self-awareness about your conflict-handling behavior, you’ll be able to easily recognize the most appropriate uses for each of the five conflict-handling modes depending on the key attributes of the situation, which will significantly enhance your skills for resolving all kinds of conflicts and problems at work or at home.

The TKI has been the world-wide leader in conflict resolution assessment for more than forty years, with over 8,000,000 assessments provided.

Taking the TKI assessment in different languages: If you wish to take an online TKI in any other language than English, you have two options: (1) taking your TKI in the chosen language, yet your TKI Report is provided in  English or (2) taking your TKI in the chosen language and then downloading your TKI Report in that same translation.

Benefits of Taking the TKI® Assessment

  • The TKI is the most reccognised tool in conflict management.

  • Learn all about your conflict behaviour
    The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument is a self-report assessment that allows you to discover whether you might be overusing (a high score) or underusing (a low score) one or more of these five conflict-handling modes: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating.

  • Compare your results to thousands of others
    To determine which of your TKI mode scores are high or low, your results are compared to research sample of respondents. These rather surprising results demonstrate that the TKI is measuring an aspect of conflict-handling behavior that is fairly consistent across different countries and cultures.

  • The TKI is amazingly accurate
    One reason that TKI results have such cross-cultural consistency is because the assessment was purposely designed to minimize the “social desirability response bias” (which is the natural tendency for people in all societies to respond to test items in order to look good to themselves or to others). Consequently, TKI results provide an accurate picture—across the globe—of how people actually behave in conflict situations.

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & TKI® can help you resolve team conflict in the workplace!

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