The Leadership Circle Profile™ - Aggregate Group Profile

360º Assessments for Individual Leaders and Teams

The Leadership Circle Profile™ Aggregate Group Profile combines and averages the individual 360 assessment scores of all team members, to provide powerful 360 individual insights for leaders and provides a global picture of the team’s collective strengths and opportunities for growth. Individual team members can see where they contribute, both strengths and liabilities, to the group. This assessment is excellent for Executive Teams who want to invest in up-leveling their entire leadership team’s individual and collaborative effectiveness at once.

The Leadership Circle Profile™ team reports and debriefs offer organizations the opportunity to further both leadership development goals and strategic business imperatives simultaneously.

Sensum Consultants, as certified practitioners, administer all Leadership Circle Profile™ assessments and debriefs, which are tailored to the participants and their unique development needs.

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & The Leadership Circle® can work with you or your organisation leaders to get you performing at your best!

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