Collective Leadership Assessment™

360º Leadership assessment for Teams and Groups

The Collective Leadership Assessment™ delivers a powerful “litmus” test of your collective leadership effectiveness for your team or your entire organisation. The Collective Leadership Assessment™ reveals how your people view their current leadership culture and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between current collective effectivenes and the desired outcome instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. Furthermore, the Collective Leadership Assessment™ measures how your team or company are doing compared to The Leadership Circle® global database.

"Leadership’s primary job is to enhance creative capacity by developing collectively effective leadership"
William A. Adams - Founder of The Leadership Circle®

The Collective Leadership Assessment™ will:

  • Establish a compelling rationale for change.

  • Focus leadership development efforts.

  • Delineate leadership challenges associated with acquisitions, mergers, and restructuring plans.

  • Correlate leadership to productivity, profits, turnover, and other bottom line metrics.

The Collective Leadership Assessment™ uses the same integral framework that makes the Leadership Circle Profile™ so effective and impressive.  It measures 8 inner dimensions and 31 outer dimensions, through which to understand your current and desired collective leadership effectiveness.

Creative Leadership

The top half of the circle maps the Creative Competencies that contribute to your collective effectiveness, through the following five dimensions:

  • Relating.

  • Self-awareness.

  • Authenticity.

  • Systems awareness.

  • Achieving.

High scores in the Creative dimensions correlate to high levels of collective leadership effectiveness and business performance, while also creating greater systems capacity with the organization.

Reactive Leadership

The lower half of the circle maps the collective limiting Reactive Tendencies and behaviors, through the following three dimensions:

  • Complying.

  • Protecting.

  • Controlling.

High scores in the Reactive dimensions correlate to low collective Creative Competency scores and leadership effectiveness.

Summary Scores

As well as the 31 creative competencies and reactive tendencies, The Collective Leadership Assessment  provides additional summary indicators of collective leadership growth opportunities:

  • Reactive-Creative Scale: indicates the degree of balance between the creative and the reactive dimensions. The percentile score shows how the collective leadership compares to that of other organisations and measures the energy your organisations or teams puts into reactive versus creative behaviour.

  • Task-Relationship Balance: measures the balance your organisation or team shows the achievement and the relationship competencies. Good balance results in high percentile scores.

Download the Collective Leadership Assessmentbrochure to explore descriptions of all 31 outer circle dimensions.

Download CLA Brochure

Sensum Consultants, as certified practitioners, administer all Leadership Circle Profile™ assessments and debriefs, which are tailored to the participants and their unique development needs.

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & The Leadership Circle® can work with you or your organisation leaders to get you performing at your best!

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