The Leadership Circle Profile™ - Manager Edition

A 360º Assessment for Managers and Emerging Leaders

The Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition is an innovation among 360-degree profiles and as powerful as The Leadership Circle Profile™. Gain knowledge about your leadership style, how it is affecting those around you, and create a leadership development plan from your insights.

The Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition is as powerful as The Leadership Circle Profile™, however it is designed for a different audience, as it is fine tuned for mid-level managers, supervisors, emerging leaders and team leaders.  It is designed to not only focus in on your current abilities in a managerial or practitioner position, but to identify your potential for greater roles within your company. This data-driven assessment will allow you to isolate your strengths and weaknesses in your current position, revealing your path towards greater leadership roles through conscious behavioral changes.

The Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition, a competency based 360° profile, measures 6 inner dimensions and 21 outer dimensions, in two primary leadership domains: your Creative Competencies and your Reactive Tendencies. The assessment tool integrates this information along with your personality, so that key opportunities for leadership development immediately shows from the assessment.

Creative Leadership

The top half of the circle maps Creative Competencies that contribute to your effectiveness, through the following three dimensions:

  • Relating.

  • Being.

  • Achieving.

Creative Competencies measure how you achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance your own development and act with integrity. High scores in the Creative dimensions correlate to high levels of leadership effectiveness and business performance.

Reactive Leadership

The lower half of the circle maps your self-limiting Reactive Tendencies and behaviors, through the following three dimensions:

  • Complying.

  • Protecting.

  • Controlling.

The Reactive Tendencies emphasize caution over creating results, self-protection over engagement, aggression over alignment, and control over collaboration. High scores in the Reactive dimensions correlate to low Creative Competency scores and leadership effectiveness.

Summary Scores

As well as creative competencies and reactive tendencies, The Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition  provides additional summary indicators of leadership growth opportunities:

  • Self-Assessment Gap: evaluates the degree to which you understand your Leadership Brand and opportunities for improvement.

  • Reactive-Creative Scale: indicates the degree to which you lean into your creative competencies more often than your reactive tendencies. 

  • Relationship-Task Balance: indicates whether you can better strengthen your leadership effectiveness by developing your interpersonal relating or achievement-focused capacity. 

  • Leadership Potential Utilisation: provides a bottom-line measurement of how much you are living up to your potential, as compared to over two million other leaders in the global database.

  • Leadership Effectiveness: indicates your overall effectiveness, a measure which is highly correlated to business success.

Evaluator Information, Categories and Score Breakouts

The information tables include self-rating and overall summary scores for detailed comparison. Each report also includes detailed data tables indicating scores of the boss’ boss, boss, peers, direct reports, and others ratings.

You should have between 8 to 12 evaluators to take the survey (20 maximum). The “boss” and “boss’ boss” scores will be individually reported, whereas peers and direct reports will only be reported and aggregated in these categories if at least 3 individuals from that subgroup have taken the survey.

Download the Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition brochure to explore descriptions of all 21 outer circle dimensions.

Download LCP-ME Brochure

What to Expect in Your Leadership Circle Profile™ Manager Edition Debrief

Once you have taken the assessment and the results are in, you will meet with your coach for a debrief, following these steps:

  1. Schedule debrief meeting with your coach.

  2. Define your role and place in the organization.

  3. Talk about your leadership influences.

  4. Review qualitative feedback.

  5. Review Leadership Circle-ME Profile Graph.

  6. Discuss areas for growth.

  7. Leave with awareness action items.

  8. Prepare your Leadership Development Plan.

Sensum Consultants, as certified practitioners, administer all Leadership Circle Profile™ assessments and debriefs, which are tailored to the participants and their unique development needs.

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & The Leadership Circle® can work with you or your organisation leaders to get you performing at your best!

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