Sales Skills Index™

TTI Success Insights Sales Skills Index™ (SSI) is an objective analysis of an individual’s understanding of the competencies and strategies required to sell successfully in any sales environment. It essentially answers the question, “Can this person sell?” Like any profession, selling has a body of knowledge related to its successful execution. It is this knowledge that the Sales Skills Index™ measures and gives strategies to be more effective.

This assessment is specially designed for outside sales. Sales Skills Index™ helps to ensure that your sales personal will handle each sales opportunity correctly.

Sales Skills Index Covers 7 Different Steps in the Sales Process:

  1. Prospecting.

  2. First Impressions / Greeting.

  3. Qualifying / Questions.

  4. Demonstration.

  5. Influence.

  6. Close.

  7. General.

The Success Insights Sales Skills Index™ assessment presents questions that portray “real life” sales situations. Each situation has 4 alternative ways to be handled.

The Sales Skills Index™ report shows the individual's strengths, weaknesses and how well they understood sales strategy in the 7 categories.

The report shows:

  • Analysis by Category.

  • Question / Strategy Analysis.

  • Primary Effectiveness Rating of individual's understanding of the most effective sales strategy.

  • Primary & Secondary Effectiveness Rating of individual's overall knowledge of the most and second most effective sales strategies.

  • Understanding "What Not To Do" in a given sales situation.

Download Sample Report (PDF)

Sales Skills Index Benefits

  • Identifies new sales applicant’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Identifies the sales strategy knowledge areas that are needed to sell a specific product / service in a given market.

  • Simplifies sales training and sales coaching.

  • Allows managing and coaching to be focused on areas that produce results.

Tailor Coaching and Training Efforts

Coaching and managing can be tailored to the different needs of each salesperson after your sales force has completed the Sales Skills Index™ assessment. It can be used as both a before and after measurement, complementing all other sales performance material. 

Commonly used to: 

Determine if sales staff members understand the sales process, how they compare against top sales performers, and if they have the ability to sell. Used in sales training, team and leadership coaching, and as an all-in-one training guide.

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & TTISI Sales Skills Index™ can help you make an impact in your organisation!

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