The Leadership Circle®

360º Leadership Assessments for Individuals and Teams

The Leadership Circle® is a breakthrough set of 360-degree leadership assessments for leaders, managers and leadership teams and a Universal Model of Leadership™, created by Bob Anderson and William A. Adams, that has been shown to highly correlate with leadership effectiveness.

Sensum Consultants, as a The Leadership Circle® certified practitioner, give you honest, professional and actionable insights into your blind spots, as well as guidance, in order to accelerate your pathway to success. We provide the following The Leadership Circle® services:

  • Leadership Circle Profile™.
    360º assessment and debrief to help individual leaders and managers increase their leadership effectiveness. Versions: Leadership Circle Profile and Executive Manager.

  • Collective Leadership Assessment™.
    Consolidated 360º to provide feedback and insight regarding team capabilities and growth opportunities to build collective leadership impact.

"Effective leaders outperform ineffective leaders every time"
William A. Adams - Founder of The Leadership Circle®

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a Research-Based and a Validated Model

The Leadership Circle Profile is one of the most comprehensive, validated, and actionable assessment instruments available.  Its research is based on some of the best theoretical frameworks in the leadership, psychological and spiritual literature:

  • Leadership Development:
    The core framework dimensions stem from Robert Fritz’s work: "The Path of Leadership Resistance". Using your Creative competencies you produce results at a lowest energy cost, while when you use your Reactive habits you try to maintain your current situation at the highest energy/stress expenses for you and the system. The Leadership Circle Profile also connects key leadership competencies (Zenger and Folkman) with underlying motivations and habits of thought.

  • Adult Development:
    It is the first leadership model to connect research from adult development, which describes how adults learn and grow (Kohlberg, Kegan, Gilligan, Cook-Greuter, Torbert, Hall, Beck, Wilber and others). This research suggests that adults, as they evolve, are able to handle complexity more effectively.

  • Psychology:
    Karen Horney, a renowned M.D. and psychoanalytical researcher, identified how individuals organise a sense of identity and character structure to include three primary strategies. Her approach is integrated into the bottom half of the Leadership Circle’s reactive tendency scores: Complying, Controlling, and Protecting.

"Once a good model gets inside you, it can inform and guide you throughout a lifetime"
Bob Anderson - Founder of The Leadership Circle®

The Leadership Circle Profile™ helps leaders understand the relationship between how they habitually think, how they behave, and, more importantly, how all this impacts their current level of leadership effectiveness. Once this awareness is established, leadership development can proceed. Without it, change rarely happens.

Superior leadership means superior business results

Effective leaders give their businesses a strategic, competitive advantage. Organizations that commit to encourage more effective leadership, practiced with discipline and creativity, find themselves attaining and sustaining high levels of business performance.

Therefore, the Leadership Circle Profile™ model is used to engage organizations in systemic leadership development, involving the entire organization to improve leadership skills by utilising a common leadership language and practice.

  • The Bottom 10% of Performing Businesses Score In The 30 Percentile For Leadership Effectiveness.

  • 75% of Leaders Globally Operate From a Reactive, Non-Scalable Mindset.

  • Only 10% of Highest Performing Businesses Score 80% For Leadership Effectiveness.

"Collective leadership effectiveness drives business performance"
William A. Adams - Founder of The Leadership Circle®

The Leadership Circle Profile™ has been tested and validated against six key indicators of business performance assessments:

  1. Market Share.

  2. Sales & Revenue Growth.

  3. New Product Development.

  4. Quality of Products & Services.

  5. Return On Assets (ROA) & Profitability.

  6. Overall Performance.

Reasons to use The Leadership Circle Profile™:

World-Wide Acceptance

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a world-class leadership assessment instrument widely used globally in local, national, and international organizations. Over 175,000 leaders have been assessed by the Leadership Circle Profile™ system, over the past 25 years, and over 300 million data points have been collected on leadership during this time.

Effective 360º Feedback Instrument to Develop Your Leaders

High-quality 360-degree tools measure a range of key leadership competencies such as self-awareness, relating, authenticity, decisiveness and strategic focus, which research has shown correlate highly with achieving results. Individuals assess themselves against a range of leadership competencies and invite a number of colleagues and associates to provide feedback on an online survey. The resulting profile gives them insight into how they are perceived as leaders.

Stengths-based model

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a strengths based competency model. Thoroughly researched and validated, it is the only 360-degree competency assessment that simultaneously provides focused competency feedback, while revealing the underlying assumptions that cause an individual’s pattern of strengths and limitations. Unlike other 360° profiles, the Leadership Circle Profile™ connects patterns of action with habits of thought and enables people to gain new awareness, perception, recognition and focus.

Debrief and Coaching

Once the online surveys are completed, a report is produced. We work with participants to debrief what has been revealed via their profile. This debrief is then followed up with coaching sessions to explore issues, ideas, strategies and plans to help extend and build on their leadership strengths. By clarifying the underlying thinking patterns that drive their current behaviour, participants will have access to new choices and possibilities to increase their leadership effectiveness.

Personalized Learning

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is designed for individualized leadership development and growth. It is not intended to measure a leader’s performance or capacity by an organization. Nor should the assessment results be shared with anyone, except the person being assessed and a Certified Leadership Circle Profile™ Practitioner. It is a highly researched and well-conceived system that is solely designed to help the leader being assessed. The organisation indirectly benefits from the Leadership Circle Profile™ by having a more conscious leader.

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & The Leadership Circle® can work with you or your organisation leaders to get you performing at your best!

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