12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators)

The most powerful motivation comes from within — from our core values. Yet, very few people can articulate their own values or are aware that all values can be traced back to half a dozen primary “Motivators”.

What Does 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) Measure?

12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) explores the question: WHY do we move into action?

A motivator (or value) is a cluster of beliefs with a similar underlying pattern or idea that we believe to be fundamentally important. Rooted in Eduard Spranger’s esteemed 1928 research, 12 Driving Forces™ reveals how each individual is uniquely motivated in both life and work and what gives us joy, happiness, energy and purpose.

Our strongest motivators provide us with a continuous source of motivation to seek out their fulfilment. They are also the source of dissatisfaction when they are violated or ignored. When it comes to business partnerships, people can overcome basic behavioural (DISC) differences, but values are the things that will make or break a relationship.

The 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) Report

The 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) profile takes you a step beyond the standard behavioural assessment to dive deeper into the world of personal values. The 6 core Motivators measured are:

  • Theoretical – A drive for knowledge and learning.

  • Utilitarian – A drive for practicality, value and ROI.

  • Aesthetic – A drive for beauty and creative expression.

  • Social – A drive for compassion and helping others.

  • Individualistic – A drive for uniqueness, status and to lead.

  • Traditional – A drive for unity, order and a system for living.

Note: Motivators also includes feedback on what a person should try to avoid based on his or her motivators. TTI’s brain-based research confirms that this has a deep subconscious impact on our decision making.

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The 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) Profile: A Multi-Science Approach

Everyone is different. People connect with certain tasks, ideas, and people for a variety of personal reasons. When we have a framework to understand why people move to action, we are better equipped to influence, engage and lead others. However, understanding a person’s motives is only one piece of the puzzle. With more information, we can have a much greater impact, and this is where our “multi-science” assessments come in.

Why is Multi-Science Important?

When we only use 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) (or any single-dimensional assessment), we only have one perspective to understand people. By combining the DISC profile with the Motivators assessment (known as Talent Insights), we have not only WHY a person moves into action, but also HOW they will attempt to satisfy these motivators. With this combined information, we can start to understand why two people with a strong Social motivator (the drive to help others) will go about it in very different ways. For example, one person with a strong Social motivator with a high “D” behavioural style will likely want to help others, but will do so in a direct and forceful way, while a person with the same strong “Social” motivator and a high “S” behavioural style will likely help others by being patient, supportive and sharing. With a multi-science approach, we have a more complete understanding of an individual and we can develop plans to help them be more effective, personally and professionally.

Versions of the 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) Profile

The 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) reports are available in a number versions, each designed to support your initiatives and help you achieve your desired results.

All of our tools have been designed with flexibility, practicality, and multiple uses in mind. This means you can invest once in the right profile and use it throughout the employee life cycle to maximise your investment. As a single-science report, 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) explores personal motivators ONLY.

There are three types of reports in the TTI Success Insights 12 Driving Forces™  (Motivators) series, including:

  • 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) - Job Profiles – Providing a validated way to profile the unique positions in any business and determine the “ideal” motivators of a superior performer. We refer to this as “Position Benchmarking”.

  • 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) - Coaching and Development Reports – Designed to comprehensively explore a person’s personal motivators. Each report includes both personalised content as well as graphs for deeper interpretation.

  • 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) - Team Reports – Designed to explore the values of a group or team. Using the TTI Success Insights Motivators Wheel, this report places up to 20 people into a single report to better understand what motivates the group as a collective.

The Motivators profile is found in many of our multi-science assessments including Talent Insights, TriMetrix EQ, TriMetrix ACI, TriMetrix DNA and TriMetrix HD.

Common Uses for the 12 Driving Forces™ (Motivators) Report

The Motivators profile is commonly used in the following functions:


  • Recruitment and Selection.

  • Induction.

  • Position Benchmarking.

Training and Development:

  • Leadership Development.

  • Communication Effectiveness.

  • Team Effectiveness.

  • Sales Development.

  • Customer Service Training.

  • Coaching/Mentoring Relationships.

Strategy and Management:

  • Competency Framework/Development.

  • Engagement/Motivation.

  • Planning and Strategy.

  • Change Management.

  • Conflict Resolution.

  • Outplacement.

  • Culture/Transformation.


  • Personal Effectiveness.

  • Family Relationships.

  • Marriage Counselling.

  • Career Planning

Let us show you how Sensum Consultants & TTISI Motivators can help you make an impact in your organisation!

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